Xcellerator For Alteryx Designer

Leverage the Power of Xcellerator within Alteryx Designer

Xcellerator for Alteryx Designer is a headless, ready-to-use tool that analyzes Excel spreadsheets for errors and risk through its selection of 53 tests, all within an Alteryx Workflow. This connection sits within the same drag and drop Alteryx workbench for ease of use in incorporating directly, and within an Alteryx workflow execution

Alteryx Designer with Incisive Xcellerator within Workflow

Xcellerator for Alteryx Designer Workflows

  • Harness the power of Alteryx to analyze Excel workbooks from within an Alteryx workflow
  • Identify and resolve errors, mitigate risk, and gain insight into spreadsheet construction through Automated testing and risk analysis of your Excel assets
  • Results of the tests are processed through Alteryx Designer tools and written to Excel workbooks for analysis and review
  • Using Xcellerator within Alteryx Designer provides all the flexibility and comprehensive testing to ensure data accuracy of Excel assets within automated workflows

Xcellerator Tool for Designer - Ease of Use

  • Simply start by pulling any number of Excel workbook inputs into the Xcellerator tool
  • Select the Xcellerator tests you want to run on those Excel assets
  • Auto processing allows you to analyze the output from Xcellerator, including any results from tests or errors encountered during the workflow processing

Xcellerator within Designer - Available Tests

Over 50 tests available to analyze and validate spreadsheets

  -Formula Errors: Finds the most common types of formula errors such as those caused by inconsistent formulas

  -Risk: Designed to find formula errors that pose risk due to difficulty to maintain or understand

  -Hidden Data: Marks hidden cells and where hidden data is a problem in both error searching and spreadsheet distribution

  -Informational: Find information useful for error checking; can be very hard to find with Excel, such as cells not being locked

  -Custom: Anything you define to meet specific needs and requirements



Additional Incisive Solutions


Xcellerator tool for Alteryx Designer (Low Code No Code)

    • Enables you to harness the power of Xcellerator to analyze your Excel workbooks from within an Alteryx workflow. Xcellerator for Alteryx allows you to automate testing and risk analysis of Excel assets directly within the Alteryx tool ribbon and drag + drop Xcellerator into the workflow


Concourse – Incisive Solution Suite

    • Foundation and command center for the Incisive suite providing simple point-of-control, knowledge and management of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and low-code/no-code and open-source analytic assets
    • Allows your business to take full advantage by putting guardrails and user-developed applications while avoiding the risks associated with un-managed technology and Shadow IT

Mitigate Risk. Accelerate Innovation.
Grow Opportunities. With Incisive Software.
