Xcellerator for Alteryx Designer is a headless, ready-to-use tool that analyzes Excel spreadsheets for errors and risk through its selection of 53 tests, all within an Alteryx Workflow. This connection sits within the same drag and drop Alteryx workbench for ease of use in incorporating directly, and within an Alteryx workflow execution
Alteryx Designer with Incisive Xcellerator within Workflow
Over 60 tests available to analyze and validate spreadsheets
-Formula Errors: Finds the most common types of formula errors such as those caused by inconsistent formulas
-Risk: Designed to find formula errors that pose risk due to difficulty to maintain or understand
-Hidden Data: Marks hidden cells and where hidden data is a problem in both error searching and spreadsheet distribution
-Informational: Find information useful for error checking; can be very hard to find with Excel, such as cells not being locked
-Custom: Anything you define to meet specific needs and requirements
900 E. Hamilton Avenue, Suite 440, Campbell, CA 95008
408.660.3090 | [email protected]